Using displays has become a common practice for most of the companies. It’s not only limited to presenting static content, but it’s getting more and more popular to use dynamic digital signage content. That’s what we want to focus on in today’s article.

Digital Signage

Perhaps you’re already using digital signage in your business, or your business is selling digital signage. Whatever the case might be, you know how important it is nowadays to invest in it. Whether, we’re doing shopping, traveling or simply going on a walk, we’re surrounded by displays. And it’s not only advertisement.

It has come to the point where there’s a huge demand for system that manages the displays. Companies need to control them remotely and be able to implement changes. That’s why Digital signage management in a form of CMS is so popular nowadays

Related: Digital Signage Management – How to Manage Your Commercial Display?

What is Dynamic Digital Signage Content?

7 Amazing Features For Dynamic Digital Signage Content

We’ve already established what digital signage is, where we can use it etc. Now it’s time to focus on dynamic digital signage content. What is it actually? It’s NOT only about the video as many might think. Dynamic Digital Signage Content is the type of content that has the ability to update automatically. We’re talking about elements that change after meeting a specific condition.

The goal is to show data  in the most effective and user-friendly way. For example, showing arrivals and departures of buses, trains or planes on display is much more appealing than showing information in a form of a table. It presents a clear information arranged chronologically so the travelers can easily find what they’re looking for. Moreover, displays are also being updated every time there’s a new information.

What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) Content Creator

In our previous article we explained why having custom management system for digital signage is so useful. But there’s more to it. There’s a lot of Drag and Drop type of content editors on the market. However, none of them is able to send a query to a database. But there is a way to have this type of visual editor custom made

This type of content editor allows changing the visual aspect of the display without coding knowledge. It’s extremely useful for both producers of this type of displays as well as owners. You can create and make change is dynamic digital signage content using simple drag and drop technique.

We’ve created this type of editor for one of our clients. It’s focused on displaying passenger information in buses. You can try it out here: Content Editor

Related: How to Help My Clients in Editing Their Content Easily?

What Can Be Displayed?

  • Present Informations From Database and Update Them in Real-Time

7 Amazing Features For Dynamic Digital Signage Content

Dynamic digital signage content is not only about elements that are constantly moving. It’s also about static informations that are being displayed in a certain logic. For instance, previously mentioned arrivals and departures. These data come from a database that connects with displays. We can also create WYSIWYG content editor to allow making changes in a visual aspect of the display.

  • Integrate Your Digital Signage with a Third-Party API

API integration in dynamic digital signage content

Your digital signage can be much more than just monitor displaying a presentation. Thanks to the integration we can use third-party APIs to show interesting content. For example, we can integrate displays to the local weather station and display alert when there’s danger of avalanche.

In some other points we go more in depth in possibilities of API integration.

  • Increase Engagement Using Interactive Content

Dynamic Digital Signage Content allows maximizing engagement rate using interactive displays.

Most of the times digital signage is being used as a part of marketing strategy. Conversion and engagement rate are some of the most important KPIs when it comes to digital marketing. That’s why interactive displays are getting more popular. They increase those numbers and effectiveness of digital signage. Having this type of dynamic digital signage content can maximize the efficiency of your monitors.

  • Conditional Playback – “If”

Dynamic Digital Signage allows creating conditionals. You can display a certain information when the criteria is met. For example WARNING sign.

There’s a lot of situations where certain content needs to be displayed if a criteria is met. It’s called conditional playback. For example, a company uses display on a factory to show temperature but after a certain number there’s a change of display. Instead of temperature there’s an alert that informs people about the need of evacuation. Other common example of using this method can be found in buses. When the driver presses the button a display can show ‘Ticket Control’ instead of regular content etc.

  • Weather and Pollution Data

Dynamic Digital Signage Content can display weather and pollution informations

Many outdoor TVs present informations like weather, pollution indicator etc. There’s two most common options to do it. First, we can use API of a weather platform to present their data. Second, we can connect the display to sensors that examine the level of pollution and display those data. 

  • Social Media and News Integration

Dynamic Digital Signage Content allows you to integrate social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter etc. and display them on the monitor. Picture presents two girls holding facebook signage

Let’s say, a company is organizing an event and wants to use digital signage for marketing purposes. They can use Twitter’s API to display tweets of attendees with a certain hashtag. They can also connect to other social media platforms etc.

Another example is using displays to present news informations. It’s really useful for displays on airports, bus stops and other public places. Presenting content that brings more value is known to be more effective.

  • POS Self-Checkout

7 Amazing Features For Dynamic Digital Signage Content - POS Self-Checkout vending machine for bus ticket

Last but not least, dynamic digital signage content is a form of Kiosk. The number of self checkouts is increasing and companies invest in it a lot. However, it doesn’t have to be limited to huge grocery stores only. We’re also talking about ticket machines for buses, subway or even cinema tickets.

This can also be easily done as mentioned earlier as a form of event registration etc.


Dynamic digital signage content is spreading quickly and keeps on finding more and more use cases. Adding WYSIWYG visual editor helps in managing the content and updating it. It’s a great way to allow independent change in content.

If you want to find out more, feel free to email us. We’ll be glad to share more of our knowledge with you.

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