If your product is based on displaying content and your company is responsible for making changes on it for your clients – this article is right for you. We want to show you how you can maximize your clients independence in editing content for your product using Custom WYSIWYG Editor.

What is WYSIWYG and how can it improve your customer service? 

WYSIWYG in a very mysterious name that means ‘What You See Is What You Get’. It’s a type of software that uses Drag and Drop technique to create and edit content.

This type of solutions are very popular. We can just name some of them like: WordPress or Drupal. They use pre-made modules to create content without programming knowledge. But creating websites in not the only usage of this technique.

Clients often don’t have the programming knowledge to make changes in the content that they would want to implement. The burden of having to deal with it lays often in the hands on a company that sold them the product. For example, companies that sell digital signage or printed products. WYSIWYG can be a great solution to someone who wants to maximize their clients independence in editing content and limit the resources needed to take care of a customer service.

Advantages and Disadvantages of WYSIWYG Editor 

  • Allows creating and editing content without HTML knowledge.
  • Ability to connect components to data and create dynamic content.
  • It’s very scalable both vertically and horizontally.
  • Custom WYSIWYG makes content easy in editing for clients. It has all of the important elements needed for a product it was made for.

Even though, WYSIWYG Editor is a great solution for many companies, it’s important to mention a few of its disadvantages:

  • Because it’s custom, it means that it has to be fully developed for a specific product/service, company or industry.
  • The only type of content that can be edited in HTML or XML.

Benefits for Your Clients

  • Creating a Drag and Drop type of software for your clients to edit their content is going to shorten their TTM (Time to Market). It means that it’s going to take a lot less time to produce the content and implement it.
  • WYSIWYG Editor can be connected to data from database or onboard computer. Components can display those data and create dynamic content.
  • Because your clients can edit their own content, they have more control over the changes. They can change content more frequently and efficiently. This gives them a lot of independency in their actions.
  • Your clients can also improve the quality of the content with the help of graphic designers if they want to. They don’t have to rely on your expertise.
  • Ability to edit their own content creates also an opportunity to your clients to change their business model. For example, having a content editor for bus tickets can allow your client to change not only the visual aspect of a ticket but also implement new tariff etc.

Benefits for Your Business

As entrepreneurs we try to improve our customer service, our products and business models because we know how important it is nowadays. We also constantly try to manage our expenses and costs as well as we can. After all, that’s what business is about.

That’s why the solution we want to talk about is not only beneficial to your clients but it has also a lot of direct benefits for your business.

  • Thanks to WYSIWYG editor you can allow clients editing their own content. This means that you man minimize the costs of customer service or you can move these resources somewhere else.
  • Changing the content for your clients is a responsibility. By creating a WYSIWYG editor you move this responsibility towards your client so he can take care of creating and editing content.
  • This type of editor is going to add an extra value to your product or service.
  • WYSIWYG editor in going to shift your business model. Instead of providing people in a form of customer service, you provide software.

How Did We Make a WYSIWYG for Passenger Information in Public Transportation Industry?

One of our clients had similar issues like the ones mentioned earlier. We created an editor as a feature for Content Management System for Digital Signage in Public Transportation. It was responsible for managing displays in buses and trams. WYSIWYG editor allowed their clients changing the content of the displays independently and without any help from the producer.

Here’s a quick video showing you what it looks like:


WYSIWYG type of editor is a great way to help your clients in editing their own content. It doesn’t require programming knowledge and is very easy to use. Moreover, it has plenty of benefits for you and your company.

If you want to find out how we can make your product more efficient, contact us.

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